Things You Miss from Home
What do you miss from your home town?? We moved from New York to South Carolina in 2020. We absolutely love it in SC. The weather is beautiful, and our house is gorgeous. We have the most amazing neighbors and have made the best friendships. My kids love their school here in SC and have made some great friends. We do miss friends and family from NY.
The main things we miss from NY is the food 🍕🥯 ; pizza, bagels and rainbow cookies.
If you have had NY bagels and pizza, then you will know that SC pizza and bagels are definitely not the same. When friends/family come to visit us, we always ask them to bring is bagels and pizza. I was told that the pizza and bagels are not the same due to the water down here. My favorite cookies are rainbow cookies. I used to get them all the time in NY but cannot find them anywhere down here.
My cousin and her husband just came for a visit from NY. She brought us a pizza, 2 dozen bagels and 2 packages of rainbow cookies. She is the best !!!💗💗

Is there anything you miss from your hometown? Please share it !!!!