Ways to Calm an ADHD Child
Ways to Calm an ADHD Child
Children with ADHD are usually fidgety, impulsive and easily distracted. This can make it difficult for children to complete tasks and interact with others. As a parent, this can lead to frustration, stress and anxiety for parent and child. There are ways to help calm a child with ADHD. Knowing their symptoms and triggers can also be a help.
Be consistent with parenting
Being consistent with parenting is very important for an ADHD child. Children with ADHD sometimes have a problem following instructions and inconsistent parenting can make it worse.
Positive reinforcment
Children with ADHD don’t behave bad on purpose; they can’t always control it. Instead of punishing them for their bad behavior. Reward them for their good behavior.

Homework can be very difficult with an ADHD child. A lot of times they cannot sit still long enough. To help reduce this stress; try breaking up homework into shorter more manageable segments. Allow them to take breaks and get up and walk around and stretch. For example: they might work for 20 minutes then take a 5 minute break to get a snack, walk around, play with a fidget toy or do jumping jacks. This can help your child stay more focused.

Allow some fidget time
Children with ADHD are going to fidget, which can be challenging when they need to remain still to do work. Try and direct them in a positive way. For example; if they are reading sitting down and are fidgeting, have them get up with the book and walk and read ( I do this with my daughter). Giving them a stress ball or fidget toy can help release some pent up energy.Some children find it easier to concentrate if they have an object in their hand.
Practice relaxing
Relaxing techniques can be especially helpful for ADHD kids. It can help them calm down, focus, reduce stress and anxiety. Some activities include taking deep breaths, yoga, visualization and muscle relaxation.
Let your child play before big activities
It would be beneficial for your child to burn some energy before they are being asked to sit still. This can help them stay more focused during their activity.
Cold can help during a meltdown
Applying ice to the child’s hands or neck can help calm the meltdown. Cold exposure has been linked to the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine, which play key roles in attention, mood, and focus. It will slow the heart rate down and help control the meltdown. Also splashing some cold water in their face can help calm them down.
A cooling off place
Find a place where the child can be alone and already has toys in their. This is different from time out. This is not a punishment. It is a place to go to be calm. An example: a tent that has some coloring supplies and a snack possibly.
Drawing or painting
Drawing or painting can be soothing. Writing about their thoughts can be helpful in the moment.
Listening to music
Some kids find listening to music to be calming. Sometimes just putting on some headphones and let them calm down.
ADHD fidget toys
- pop game
- popping mats
- quiet toys (great for school or church)
- slug sensory
- squishy sensory tube
- fidget balls
- bubble timer
Ways to Calm an ADHD Child
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