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This is My Beautiful Family

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This is my beautiful family

My family consists of my husband Mike, my son Michael and my daughter Isabella. My husband and I have been married for 10 years. Michael is 9 years old and is in 4th grade and Isabella is 7 years old and is in 2nd grade. Michael loves riding his scooter and playing basketball. Isabella loves gymnastics and playing soccer.


My husband and I have been together since December 2009. We got married in September 2011 and got an unexpected surprise when we returned from our honeymoon in Hawaii; I was pregnant👶. We were shocked that it had happened that quick. Our son, Michael was born in May 2012.

In December 2014, we welcomed our daughter Isabella. We decided shortly after, that 2 kids were enough for us.

Family christmas picture 2021
Bella playing soccer
Our Honeymoon picture from Hawaii- 2011


Our son Michael is 9 years old and is a very energetic, smart and funny boy. He does have ADHD, so some days are harder than others. He loves playing games, video games, riding his bike, playing soccer, football and basketball. His favorite thing to do in the summer is to swim in our pool.


Our daughter is 7 years old. She is beautiful, funny, smart, energetic and always happy. She loves playing soccer and recently joined competitive gymnastics. Our beautiful girl is always happy and full of life. She is our social butterfly, making friends wherever she goes.

South Carolina

We grew up in NY and moved to South Carolina in July 2020. It was the best decision we have ever done. My kids have made some great friends and we reside in a development where there are lots of children to play with.

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