What did you think of The Age of Adeline
The Age of Adeline is currently on netflix and it stars Blake Lively.
Blake Lively is an American actress and is married to star Ryan Reynolds. They have 4 children together. She had a recurring role in Gossip Girl and starred in movies such as The Shallows, The Town, Accepted and lastly the Green Lantern.
Adaline Bowman (Blake Lively) has miraculously remained a youthful 29 years of age for nearly eight decades after a near fatal accident. Never allowing herself to get close to anyone lest they discover her secret. However, a chance encounter with a charismatic philanthropist named Ellis Jones (Michiel Huisman) reawakens Adaline’s long-suppressed passion for life and romance. When a weekend with Ellis’ parents threatens to expose the truth, Adaline makes a decision that changes her life forever.

I thought the movie was great. I initially thought is was “way out there” how could a woman remain 29 years of age for decades? It seemed unrealistic. I thought Blake Lively played Adeline amazing. I don’t want to give away any spoilers for people who have not seen it. But I loved the part where she goes to Ellis’s family house and meets his parents for the first time. Who is played by Harrison Ford and Kathy Baker.
The father immediately freezes and looks like he has seen ghost when he looks at “Jenny”. That is the name Adeline goes by now. He is struck by her resemblance to his lost love Adeline. With whom he had an affair with in the 60’s. Jenny is just as rattled with the situation; as she does not want her secret to come out.
I enjoyed the scene where she as walking with her daughter and ran into a friend her own age. Her friend looked alot older than Adeline.
I would say that The Age of Adeline is a must see movie. Please let me know what you think of it ? Comment below😀
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