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Some tips for working moms

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Some tips for working moms.

If you are like me; I have a husband, kids and a full time career. Trying to balance it all is very challenging. Here are some tip to help balance you entire life:

Delegate Chores

Everyone in the house should have chores. Teach kids from a young age to clear the table, how to get their own cereal and how to load the dishwasher. Kids can take out the trash, teach them how to do laundry and to put their own clothes away. To make the kids feel appreciated a sticker chart with a reward system is very helpful.

delegate chores

Plan your morning

Mornings for workings mom is always an obstacle. On the nights before my kids have school I get their lunches ready, their backpacks packed, chromebooks charged, homework completed and lay out the clothes the night before.

Plan meals ahead

I try and plan and shop for the meals on the weekend. Making larger portions to have as leftovers on the nights when my kids have sports is a great idea. I sometimes will double a recipe and then freeze the other half. We also designate our most hectic night to order out either pizza or Chinese food.

Making time for yourself

Working moms are always busy and take care of themselves last. The important key is to take care of yourself. Go to the gym, have a drink, meet up with a friend, go to Starbucks, read a book, go for a run or take a nice hot bubble bath.


Clean up

If you are cleaning up toys, hanging up coats, making beds or picking up laundry. Stop it now. The kids can help do it. Kids can clean up their own toys, hang up their coats, make their own beds and put their own laundry in the hamper.

Have quality family time

Try and have family dinner nights as often as you can. Plan a family movie night once a week. We do popcorn, candy and a family movie. Plan a group outing for the weekend such as the zoo, aquarium, park or museum.

Our vacation to Myrtle Beach

Pay bills on the 1st of the month

Autopay is wonderful. Paying bills can be taxing on the mind. Sign up for autopay and you don’t have to worry about it. That’s one less thing you have to worry about.

Set a routine

Set a routine and stick to it. On school days, the kids get up and get dressed. My husband helps with their breakfast. My kids put their lunch bags and chrome books in their backpack. They go to school. They come home and they do their homework and read. We either have dinner or go to their activities and have dinner later. After that they take a shower, brush their teeth and get ready for bed.


Sleeping is very important. Your body needs sleep. Sleep keeps us healthy and functioning well. It helps your body and brain repair and re-energize. If your body doesn’t get sleep enough, you can be cranky, irritable and it can lower your immune system.


Have a date night with your hubby

It is very important to keep the spark going in a marriage. Work, kids and life can get in the way of that. At least one a month you and your spouse should go on a date. Go to dinner and movie.

me and my hubby

Check out my recipe for the best apple cider donuts

What did you think of some tips for working moms? What other tips do you have? Comment below.

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