My new Tattoo honoring my beloved mom
My new Tattoo honoring my beloved mom
My mom passed away in 2019 from Lung Cancer. It has been a very difficult time. I wanted a tattoo that would remind me of her. I kept looking everyday at a birthday card that she had given to be for my last birthday. Thats when I decided what my next tattoo would be. I took the card and sent it to my tattoo artist and asked if he could tattoo it on my forearm. He said absolutely. The tattoo is of her actual hand writing. This tattoo means the world to me. I look it at it several times per day. Looking at it during hard times helps ground me.
Does anyone have a special tattoo ?? What is it ? Who is for ?

My mom was diagnosed with Lung Cancer in 2018. Unfortunately, shortly after her diagnosis she started chemo and radiation. After her PET scan, we found out it had spread. Chemo and radiation did not work. She passed away in July 2019. Everyday is a struggle. I miss her more and more each day. It doesn’t get any easier it gets tolerable.
My new Tattoo honoring my beloved mom