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Most Disturbing Lifetime Movies

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Most Disturbing Lifetime Movies

I am a huge fan of lifetime movies. Some lifetime movies are love stories and lighthearted movies. But these movies below however are definitely not those. In my opinion, these are some of the most twisted and disturbing lifetime movies I have ever seen.

Watching lifetime movies are addicting. They are so easy to watch, and I find myself immersed in them, unable to turn it off. What I love is that they are often based on real life stories.

Girl in the Basement

This movie tells the horrifying story of Elisabeth Fritzl, who was imprisoned by her father, Josef in Austria in 1984. For 24 years, she was locked away from the rest of the world in the basement of her family home. During her time in the basement, she gave birth to seven children. Three remained with her, three were brought upstairs and raised by her unsuspecting mother and one died at birth. She subequently was finally freed in 2008 and reunited with her mother and her children.

Most Disturbing Lifetime Movies

Girl in the Box

This movie was based on a true story. In 1977, 22-year-old Colleen Stan was kidnapped by a young married couple Cameron and Janice Hooker. For the next 7 years she was kept in a coffin sized box under their bed for up to 23 hours a day. When she was let out of the box, she was their live in slave, babysitter and Cameron’s play toy. Would Colleen ever be set free?

Most Disturbing Lifetime Movies

The Bad Seed

This movie stars Rob Lowe. He is a single father. Emma seems normal but a bit strange. Her father (Rob Lowe) starts to suspect that she played a part in the death of her classmate. The dad starts to realize what the daughter is capable of. Emma has more sinister plans in store.

Most Disturbing Lifetime Movies

Devil’s Pond

The couple spend their honeymoon in a cabin on a small island in the middle of a lake. There is no power, running water or cell service. The plan was to be on the remote island for 2 weeks. She never told him she couldn’t swim. He starts to act strange, not wanting to leave the island and becoming abusive. After the 2 weeks is up, she says it’s time to leave and he tells her they are never leaving the island.

Most Disturbing Lifetime Movies

A Cry for Help: The Tracey Thurman Story

This movie stars Nancy McKeon. It is based on a true story. Tracey Thurman tries to leave her abusive husband, Buck. Even after Tracey gets a restraining order, he continues to torment her. Eventually, he violently attacks and stabs her multiple times. Tracey then decides to sue the police department for not helping her.

A cry for help: The Tracey Thurman Story

Cleveland Abduction

A single mother, Michelle, befriends a neighbor named Emily. When Michelle needs to get to court (over her son) she accepts a ride from Emily’s father Ariel Castro. He tells her he has puppies if she wants one. When she nonetheless accepts, he tells her they are upstairs. Shortly after, he ties her up and keeps her prisoner for 11 years.

In that time, he kidnaps two other girls. One of the girls give birth to his baby. Michelle endures rape, torture and an abortion of the hands of Ariel Castro.

Cleveland abduction

Check out the best Best Lifetime Movies!

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