Love vs Infatuation: How Do You Distinguish Between the Two?
Love vs Infatuation: How Do You Distinguish Between the Two?
Love and infatuation are both intense feeling that people can have for eachother. But these feeling can be “confused” by most people. The two feelings differ in love, intensity and the outcome.
If you meet someone and you don’t know them very well but you think their perfect and you have feelings for them; you are most likely infatuated. When you are committed on a deep level, feel comfortable around the person and there is mutual trust and respect; then more than likely you are in love.

Love is a feeling of intense affection for another. When your in love you have feel happy, calm, content and have a bond with another person.
- not jealous
- feeling of security
- lasting
- in love with a person
- devotion
- friends as well as lovers
- “I love you”
- wants what’s best for the other person
- reality
- you can commit and marry
- gradual
- grows with time

Infatuation is being carried away by unreasoning passion or love. You will have euphoria, lust and irrational feelings. During infatuation, you might have an increased heart rate and could feel anxious or aroused.
- an emotion
- inability to trust
- no real friendship
- wants what best for themselves
- in love with love
- temporary
- “I want you”
- based on sex
- based on physical attraction or popularity
- fantasy
- unable to commit
- sudden
- weakened by time
Love vs. Infatuation
The main symptom of infatuation is wanting to be around the person. This may also be sexual desire. Love, may start with infatuation or lust but then becomes love.

- Infatuation is physical, love is more than that
- Infatuation is temporary, love is long-term
- Infatuation is obsessive, love is calm and steady
- infatuation is reckless, love is caring
- Infatuation is possessive, love is confident in the other person’s affections
- Infatuation means going way too fast, while love means taking your time
- Infatuation is unsustainable, while love is not
Difference in Feelings
- Infatuation: feels like love but is not. The emotion is intense but not pure love.
- Love: is a connection between two souls
The chemical components behind infatuation and love
The difference between infatuation and love is often chemical. Infatuation is often lust, a physical attraction, and a sexual drive. You may find someone attractive and enjoy being around them but that doesn’t mean the relationship will last. To experience lust there are chemical components such as estrogen and testosterone.
When your feelings for someone move from lust into an emotional attraction; the brain releases dopamine and oxytocin. Dopamine causes happiness and Oxytocin is called “the bonding chemical”.
Craving vs Satisfaction
Some feeling that come with infatuation are like a “high” this includes; heightened arousal, excessive laughter, longing and anticipation. This could possibly lead the person into unsafe behaviors. But with love, you feel content in your relationship.
Can a relationship survive on infatuation alone?
Long term relations cannot survive on infatuation alone. This may last for years though. A long term relationship needs love, comfort and to feel safe.
I think that infatuation can lead to love. What do you think? Tell me your thoughts.
Are you in love or are you infatuated?
- Start a conversation with your partner about values and beliefs. If you feel like you have to change your values or beliefs then this isn’t love.
- How do they treat waitresses and staff? Are their actions and behaviors consistent in each place or do they act differently?
- Are you both growing and maturing at the same time? Do they encourage that growth or are they jealous over it? If there is jealousy ask yourself why and is this a healthy pattern and relationship goal?
- Does the person complete you? Do you feel like you can grow with this person? Do you feel comfortable and safe? Do you have fun and laugh with this person?
Love vs Infatuation: How Do You Distinguish Between the Two?
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