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How to prepare for an interview

How to Prepare for an Interview

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How to prepare for an interview

Preparing for an interview can be intimidating but here are a few steps to help make it easier:

Interview Skills

Tips for a great interview

  • Carefully examine the job description
  • Consider why you are interviewing for the position
  • Are you qualified for the position?
  • Do research on the company that you are interviewing for
  • Consider your answers to the most common interview questions

Interview Skills

  • Why should they hire you? What makes you the most qualified?
  • Tell the interviewer about yourself
  • Know why you are interested in this position at this company
  • Research salaries
  • Prepare some stories; how would you act in this situation? how have you acted in the past situations?
  • Brush up on interview skills
  • Practice your answers to common questions; but don’t memorize the answers
  • Consider your body language (crossing your arms can signify your “blocking someone out”)
  • Write down questions to ask the interviewer; be specific to the job and company

Getting ready for the interview

  • Look appropriate and professional; cleaned and ironed clothes, makeup, hair done, not revealing clothes, body and hair clean
  • Print out copies of your resume
  • Pack your bag ahead of time; resume, gum, notepad, pen, cellphone, chapstick
  • Figure out where the interview is and how you are going to get there
  • Get a good night’s sleep
  • Calm down and try to relax
  • Score a success in the first 5 minutes; some studies indicate that interviewers make up their minds about candidates in the first 5 minutes of the interview. They spend the rest of the time trying to confirm that decision
  • Start with a positive comment about the company
  • Send thank you notes after the interview
  • Practice interview etiquette; watch your body language, shake hands firmly, make eye contact, pay attention and be attentive

If you have an interview coming let me know if these tips help you.

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