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How Many Kids Do You Have?

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How many kids do you have?

Growing up

Growing up I was an only child living in Long Island, New York. My dad was one of three kids; he was the middle child. My mother was one of nine children she was the oldest. They wanted to have more children but it just never worked out.

My mom always felt bad that I was an only child. She wanted me to have siblings to play with. But unfortunately, she was pregnant a few other times and miscarried. I am 41 years old and have 2 kids. I have a 10 year old son and a 7 year old daughter. People always ask if I am going to have any more. The answer would be no. My husband is alot older than me plus I had some issues with my pregnancies.

First Pregnancy

When I was pregnant with my son, at 38 weeks I developed a pain in my abdomen. After going to the doctor’s office I was sent to the hospital for further testing. I was diagnosed with HELLP syndrome. HELLP syndrome is a life threatening pregnancy complication where your liver enzymes are elevated, low platelets and hemolysis happens. The way HELLP syndrome is normally treated is to deliver the baby.

My blood work came back abnormal over the course of a few hours. I remember the doctor coming in and telling me that I had to have a csection immediately because if I didn’t, she didn’t think I would make it through the night. I had a cesction later that night and my son was born. He had no complications.The doctors put me on magnesium after the birth which made me groggy for the night and the following day.

How many kids do you have?

Second Pregnancy

I was pregnant with my daughter 2 years later. The doctor told me I would be high risk because of my first pregnancy. While pregnant I developed gestational diabetes and SVT (an irregularly fast heart rate).I had a bit of a rough pregnancy. She was born at 39 weeks and was healthy. I decided after that; I did not want any more kids.

How many kids do you have?

4 people were asked how they made the decision to start a family and what number was enough. This is what they said…….

Sarah, 39

Sarah has 4 children (3 biological and 1 adopted). After they had their first 2 daughters they did want more kids but they worked in a children’s home where they cared for 10 children at a time. Their hands were pretty full. When they left, they decided to adopt one of the kids from the children’s home. After that they assumed they were done. They now had 3 daughters. They got the best surprise a few years later…. she was pregnant with their 4th child. Sarah and her husband have their hands full raising 4 girls. Sarah says they are officially done !

Nikki, 29

Nikki has 2 children. Her and her Fiancée decided to stop at number two so they weren’t outnumbered. She figured once the kids were both into sports and activities they can divide and conquer when needed. She doesn’t feel like they can handle a third child and have quality attention to go around. Nikki also said that they want to be fairly young when the kids move out so they too can enjoy themselves.

Lauren, 33

Lauren has 3 kids and is currently pregnant with their 4th. After her third child was born almost 5 years ago, she did not want any more kids. But she also did not like being on birth control. After coming off the pill she said she got “baby fever”. There will be a 5-year age gap between the 3rd and 4th child so they think that after this baby is born, they might try for baby number 5. But she says you never know!

Phyllis, 57

Phyllis has 5 kids; 2 adopted, 1 stepchild and in vitro twins. She is also currently raising her granddaughter. In the past she was also a foster mother to 5 kids. She feels that she will be parenting forever. She is an early interventionist, which means she trains parents on how to parent their unique children.

How about you how many kids do you have or hope to have? How did you arrive at that number?

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