My kids completed their first week of school !!
My kids finished their first week of school. My daughter is in 3rd grade and my son is in 5th grade. She was extremely excited and could not wait to start but my son was not looking forward to it. This year he starts switching classes. It starts with him switching out for 2 different classes. So, it will be different for him. Since he has ADHD, he doesn’t always do well with change.
As a tradition the kids got new backpacks, new lunch boxes, new shoes and some new clothes. They also got new haircuts.
My daughter loved her first week. My son said it was awesome. He enjoyed moving around to different classes throughout the day.
My son started 5th grade this year. This is the first year that he has to switch to another classroom for math and writing. He was a little bit nervous but said he liked being able to move around.

The kids first day of school pictures

8 ways to make the first day of school memorable
Here is the link for my daughter sandals.
Check out Flowers in the Attic– a great read
Did your kids start school yet? When do they start? How did they like it ?