Did You Name Your Child Before Birth?
Did You Name Your Child Before Birth?
Some people know the gender before birth and have names picked out before the child is even born. Others wait until the baby is born to see what they look like. Did you know the name of your child before birth?
My Son
When I found out I was pregnant in 2011, we were so happy and scared. We had picked out a few names. For a boy: Michael, Jackson, Nicholas and Jacob. For a girl: Sophia, Madison and Isabella. We found out it was a boy at my 20-week sonogram and we were ecstatic. My husband’s name is Michael so we decided that our son’s name would be Michael. His middle name would be Anthony after my father. We picked his name out when I was 20 weeks pregnant.

My Daughter
I found out I was pregnant in 2014 with our second child. We had a few names picked out for boys and girls. For boys we had Jackson, Jacob and Nicholas. For girls we had Abigail, Sophia, Madison and Isabella. At my 20 week sonogram we were so happy to find out we were having a girl. We weren’t sure what her name was going to be.
I said that I needed to see what she looked like before we named her. For the next few weeks, we had decided on Madison or Isabella as her name. A day or two before she was born we talked about it and we were thinking Madison would be her name.
On December 1, 2014, our daughter was born via C-section, and she was the most beautiful baby girl in the world. The doctors and nurses asked us what her name was, and we said we were undecided. While I was in recovery I was thinking about what to name her. When I got back to my room, I was holding her and just staring at her. She had dark hair and a darker complexion. I looked at my husband and said her name is Isabella. He said what happened to Madison. I said look at her face she doesn’t look like a Madison, she looks like an Isabella. He agreed and we decided to call her Isabella. Her middle name would be Rose after my husband’s sister.

Some Stories
Kathy: “We had names picked out first….and we wanted to be surprised so we had girls and boys names picked out”
Missey:” picked out names before birth about 6 months. A Steven Segal movie. I liked the characters name. Nico”
Amanda: “My youngest daughter was named during her ultrasound as soon as we found out it was a girl. My other 2 we found out sex then picked out names”
Sarah: with McKinley Grace, We liked the name McKinley for a boy or a girl. We added Grace to make it more feminine. With Kate Parker, I wanted a shorter name and I always loved the name Kate and we added Parker to make it more trendy. With London Williams, we wanted something pretty and unique so we went with London. For her middle name, she was named after the guy who got us together Chip Williams.”
Lauren: ” with Dex, I read a book when I was a teenager and loved it since. So it was picked out before I knew his gender. With Julian, as soon as we found out he was a boy at 20 weeks, I just found his name online and loved it. With Bridget, we did not have a name even as we were going to the hospital. She was going to be Camille, but it just didn’t feel right. With Mathias, we didn’t know the gender. We had several girls names picked out and only Mathias for a boy. So it was easy when he was born.”
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