Celebrating Mother’s Day Without Your Mom
Celebrating Mother’s Day without your mom
Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is different when you don’t have a mother anymore. I lost my mother to cancer in 2019. This is my third Mother’s Day without my mom. For me each year without her gets harder not easier. I had a great day with my kids and cherish all the days I get to spend with my precious angels. I try and make it a special day for my kids.
My Story
My mom was taken way too early. She was diagnosed with stage 3 Lung Cancer and unfortunately she passed away less than 8 months later. I am an only child and my parents tried for many years to conceive me. My parents had a rough time. My mom had numerous miscarriages. I just don’t understand sometimes how life actually works. I was suppose to be a twin but she miscarried the twin. Even after me, she got pregnant and miscarried again. Then she went through menopause very early. She didn’t want me to be an only child, but it was just the way it was. But it just feels wrong, she waited so long for me and then she doesn’t even get to enjoy her grandchildren.

When you lose your mother it is like you lose a piece of yourself. My kids and I mourn the loss of her every single day. The Mothers Day card I got from my dad he always signs it Love Mom and Dad. My son gave me a card and it said to mom and nana. It broke my heart.
Have you lost your mother recently ? How do you cope with the loss? Do you find it gets any easier ?
Celebrating Mother’s Day without your mom