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Best Lifetime Movies

Best Lifetime Movies

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Best Lifetime Movies

I love lifetime movies. What are your favorites?

I love cozying up on the couch and watching lifetime movies. These movies are usually addicting, absurd, sometimes disturbing and always captivating. I do think lifetime movies have taken a turn into a different direction. My favorite are the older lifetime movies. I find these movies to be more realistic and have a better storyline. Here are my favorites:

No One Would Tell

It is based on the true story of 14-year-old Amy Carnevale, who was murdered by her 16-year-old boyfriend Jamie Full in 1991. This movie stars Ben Savage and Candace Cameron. Stacy is a 16 year old girl in high school who has had a crush on Bobby for 2 years. She is very surprised when he shows interest in her. He is the most popular boy in school and is on the wrestling team. They start dating.

After a few weeks of dating, Bobby starts showing possessive behavior. He is jealous whenever another guy approaches or talks to Stacy. He does not want her to hang out with anyone else when they are together. At first, she does not suspect that there is anything wrong, because he immediately apologizes after getting mad at her. He tells her that he loves her, and gives her gifts to show his remorse. His behavior starts to get worse. He starts pushing and smacking her. Her best friend sees it and tries to intervene but Stacy says they are in love.

Stacy decides she is going to end the relationship when things get too much for her too handle. He does not take well to her decision. They decide to be friends. That seems to go well until Stacy goes missing. Best Lifetime Movies.

Best Lifetime Movies

Empty Cradle

This movie stars Lori Loughlin and Kate Jackson. Jane is pregnant with her third child. 5 days past her due date she goes into labor. Everything seems to be going well until she is sedated by a nurse. Hours later she regains consciousness. The doctor informs her that she went into labor prematurely and the baby was still born. The doctors notices drugs in her labs which is what they believed caused the still birth.

Rita (the nurse) fakes a pregnancy in hopes of keeping of her married lover. She decides to kidnap Jane’s baby and pass the baby off as her own and then place a dead baby with Jane so it looked like the baby was still born. Her married lover is unhappy that the baby is a girl. So Rita decides to fake another pregnancy and find a pregnant woman carrying a boy. Meanwhile Jane has a feeling her baby is out there and did not die.

Jane hires a lawyer but her medical records vanish. She slowly starts to regain memories at the hospital and what happened. Did her baby actually die or is her baby out there?

Best Lifetime Movies

Drew Peterson-Untouchable

This movie stars Rob Lowe. This is a true story of Drew Peterson. He was a well known detective . Drew is being charged with the murder of his third wife after the disappearance of his fourth wife. Drew was married to third wife Kathleen Savio. According to her he was abusive and told her he could kill her and make it look like an accident. She finds a letter in her mailbox that Drew is cheating on her with a 17 year old.

Savio files for divorce. Drew marries his much younger girlfriend, Stacy. They have 2 kids together. Savio is found dead in her bathtub. At first it was ruled an accidental drowning. Until his fourth wife Stacy goes missing. According to Drew he woke up one morning and she was gone but she left their kids. He changed his story and said that she called him at night and stated she was leaving him and had met someone else. Although, he told police she is alive and living with another man.

Her family and friends stated that Stacy would never have left her children. What happened to Stacy? What happened to Drew Peterson?

Best Lifetime Movies

Tempting Fate

This movie stars Alyssa Milano. Gabby seems to have the perfect life. A loving husband and 2 teenage daughters. She restores furniture as a hobby and her husband is a physician. But her marriage is going through a rough patch meanwhile she wants a third child and Elliot got a vasectomy without telling her. To remove some tension he takes the girls on a camping trip. Gabby’s friend takes her to a party when she meets Matt Shaw, a successful web developer.

Gabby is upfront about her being married but Matt invites her to a business meeting the next day. He hires Gabby as a designer for a non-profit school. They start texting and getting more flirtatious via texting. She is getting further away from her husband since he refuses to reverse his vasectomy. Her and Matt start texting more. Elliot is away and Matt stops over to look at some of her work. They become intimate.

Gabby feels guilty and cuts ties with Matt. She then finds out she’s pregnant. She decides to tell Elliot the truth. He gets angry and moves out. Elliot announces that he wants to sell the house and get a divorce. Seeing her life fall apart, Gabby decides to work more in hopes to buy back their house. Elliot then starts dating Gabby’s friend Trish. Gabby gives birth to a baby boy. But all she wants is her family back. Will Elliott take her back? How does Matt fit into all of this?

Best Lifetime Movies

Craigslist Killer

Philip Markoff prepares for a promising career as a doctor and planning his future with his fiancee Megan. He was one of the brightest students in Boston University. He could do no wrong in the eyes of his fiancee, friends and professors. But he hid the other side of him. The violet side. It started in 2009 when he answered an ad on craigslist for a massage. When he went to the hotel, he pulled out a gun and shot her.

The police start to discover that the killings are linked to advertisements linked on craigslist. Their investigation leads them to Markoff. He denies the accusations. His professors say there is no way such a gifted student could kill all those girls. Megan thinks it’s all a mistake. Until it all unravels at the end.

Best Lifetime Movies

Victim of Love: The Shannon Mohr Story

In 1979, Shannon Mohr goes to a wedding and meets the charming Dave Davis. He tells her he’s a Vietnam veteran and a former football player. He seduces her. They get married 2 months later in Vegas and move to Michigan on a farm. Shannon soon realizes Dave lied to her about being married before. When her parents come to visit, Shannon and Dave get into an argument. He invites her on a horseback ride.

Dave then goes running to a neighbor saying that Shannon fell off her horse and hit her head on a rock. Shannon ultimately dies and there was a lack of investigation. Dave said that she wanted to be cremated. Her parents disagree and she is buried. They find out that he had 6 life insurance policies out on Shannon and he will receive a large sum of money upon her death.

They have enough evidence to arrest Dave Davis for the murder of Shannon Mohr but he has vanished. Can the authorities find him and finally get Shannon the justice she so greatly deserves?

Best Lifetime Movies

Lies of the Heart: The Story of Laurie Kellogg

This movie stars Jennie Garth and Gregory Harrison. This movie is seen in flashbacks as she awaiting trial for killing her husband Bruce. When Laurie was 16 she meets Bruce, a charming man 15 years her senior at a bar. Shortly after, she moves in with him unaware that he “bought” her from her stepfather for $500. At first the relationship is going great. But then he starts to become possessive and abusive.

After suffering years of abuse to her and her children. She hires her teenage friends to kill her husband.

Best Lifetime Movies

The Blue-Eyed Butcher

Susan meets handsome Jeffrey Wright while at the beach with some friends. They have an instant attraction.He asked her out on a date. Her life then turns into torment and abuse. Enduring physical and emotional abuse, and reaching her breaking point she commits an act of violence.

She stabs her husband 193 times in fear that he would kill her. She is awaiting trial for the murder of Jeffrey. Susan fights to prove that she acted out of desperation and fear. The prosecutor seeks to expose her as a cold-blooded killer. When witnesses come of out of the wood work the trial takes a turn. The jury has to come to a conclusion.

blue eyed butcher

Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret

This is based on a true story. Jodi Arias goes on trial for the murder of her boyfriend Travis Alexander. Jodi meets handsome Travis at a seminar. They have an instant attraction. They start dating. Jodi starts to become possessive and jealous over Travis. He eventually ends the relationship. She was not happy and moves away.

She comes back to town and they hook up. In a fit of rage and jealousy she murders Travis in the shower. While investigating the crime, the detectives find a camera in the washing machine. This camera revealed shocking images of her and Travis’s sexual escapades and then his murder. Jodi pled not guilty and insists she killed him in self defense.

dirty little secret

Flowers in the Attic

This movie is based on the book series of the Dollanganger family by V.C. Andrews. After the sudden death of her husband, Corrine takes her 4 children to go and live in her estranged parents mansion. Her sickly father had disinherited her from his will and can not know the kids are there. The unruly, nasty grandmother helps Corrine hide the children in one room in the hopes that Corrine can win back her father’s love and be put back into his will. Once she is back in his will she will become very wealthy upon his death.

At first Corrine tells the children it will be only a few days. Corrine tells the children that they have to stay there until the grandfather dies. But as the days turn into weeks and weeks into months then months into years. Corrine visits less and less.The kids wonder what there fate is.

flowers in the attic

What are your favorite lifetime movies?

Do you ever feel down or depressed? Here are some pick me ups to help!

Check out my recipe for chicken cordon blue casserole….its delicious!

Flowers in the attic is my favorite book series of all time!!

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