Beachbody: 9 Week Control Freak
Beachbody program is the best.
A little background
I have been doing beachbody for many years. In 2020, we moved from NY to SC and my nutrition and beachbody took a backseat. In December 2020, I went for a physical and my blood pressure was elevated, my weight and my BMI was high. The PA wanted to start me on blood pressure medication, and I had to change my birth control (estrogen plus high blood pressure is a higher risk for a stroke). I was not happy. She said she would give me 6 weeks to lower my blood pressure, or I would have to start medication.
I decided I had to change my lifestyle. I went back on beachbody and modified my diet. Beachbody has a nutriton program called the 21-day fix (ultimate portion fix) which helps with proper nutrition. After being on it for 6 weeks I had lost weight and my blood pressure started to decrease. I continued on beachbody until March 2022.
Current Situation
I went to see the doctor and the x-ray did not show anything wrong. She sent me to physical therapy for 6 weeks. After 6 weeks I still wasn’t feeling much better, so she did an MRI. It showed I have a herniated disc at L5S1. I have been having pain down my left leg. About 3 weeks ago I went to see a neurosurgeon, who sent me to pain management.
I saw pain management today who stated I should have injections in my back and a nerve test performed. In hopes that I will feel make me feel better.
This past week I decided I was going to jump back into beachbody. I had great results with 9-week control freak in the past. I have been modifying when needed and am not lifting heavy weights. So far, my back has been good.
In the past few months since I stopped beachbody, I have not been feeling at my best. My nutrition hasn’t been that good and I have put on about 5lbs. I am starting slow and will proceed as long as I am in no pain. Since I restarted beachbody in 2020, I have lost over 25lbs. I had been eating clean and feeling better.
Beachbody has helped me tremendously. With beachbody, I can do it in the comfort of my own home and whatever time works best for me. Most of the programs are 30 mins (which works very well with my schedule) some programs are 45 mins to an hour. The programs usually are 5 days a week and some are 6 days a week. The combination of beachbody workouts and clean eating will get you the best results.
My before pictures taken this past Monday

I will weigh myself weekly and won’t do any measurement or pictures until the 9 weeks of the program is complete. I am hoping to lose a few inches and at least the 5lbs I have gained.
In between your workouts you should read a good book. Here are the books I read in July.
What exercise program do you use? Have you tried beachbody ? If so, what is your favorite program?