Always advocate for your children- This is so important
Advocate for your children

My Son
My son is still not doing good in school. He just can’t focus and/or concentrate and he has been on medication for the past few years. He isn’t hyper in school he just doesn’t pay attention. His quiz and test scores aren’t good and his handwriting is horrible. He was evaluated by OT before his last IEP last year. OT said he had no issues with fine motor skills and he did not qualify for OT services. His hand writing has been worse lately and trying to get him to do any work at home is very hard.
Speaking to his doctor
I spoke with his doctor and he did not want to change or increase his medication without him being evaluated by a developmental and behavioral doctor. It took me literally 14 months to get an appointment. The first visit was a telephone conversation with the psychologist. He stated that for me to have him re-evaluated will cost a lot of money (my insurance will not cover it) but that if he was evaluated in school it would be of no cost to me. I stated that he was tested last year. The doctor wanted all the test results and his last IEP. He said he would go over all the information. He also stated that he would get me an appointment with a doctor in his office that specializes in ADHD. I have an appointment with that doctor next week.
Speaking with the school
I called his school yesterday and spoke with the school psychologist. She gave me all the necessary paperwork to send to the other doctor. I explained that his handwriting is still horrible is there any way OT can evaluate him again. She called me this morning and said that OT evaluated him today and that he does not have any fine motor issues and she believes its related to his ADHD and him going way to fast. She gave some accommodations for the teacher to do.
Please always advocate for your child. They can’t advocate for themselves. The school’s have so many students that they can’t be on top of every single student. That is why as the mother I had to ask for him to be re-evaluated and to ask if all testings have been done. I have an appointment next with a new doctor that specializes in ADHD and medication. I am hoping this will help. His IEP is up for renewal next month.
Does your child suffer from ADHD ? Does the child have an IEP or a 504 plan in place ? Do you find it is helping ?
Advocate for your children
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