ADHD and Anxiety go Hand in Hand
ADHD and Anxiety go Hand in Hand
My 10-year-old son was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 5 years old. He has been on medication since he was 5 years old. We have tried different medications and different dosages. Some work, some do not. What I have come to realize is that there is no quick fix. He has daily struggles with his attitude, mood, fidgeting, impulsivity, and meltdowns. He has trouble dealing with his emotions and will have a meltdown at the drop of a hat. For example, we had people over the other day, and he couldn’t find his “favorite bathing suit”. He started crying and carrying on like a toddler. It turns out my husband had done laundry earlier and it was in the dryer. I calmed him down and got his bathing suit.

ADHD Doctor/Counseling
His pediatrician has been dealing with the day-to-day operation of his ADHD. But he sent us to a behavioral pediatrician for a consult since we are still having issues at home and at school. That pediatrician stated that she thinks that he might suffer from anxiety also. She explained that ADHD and anxiety go hand in hand. Before she makes any changes, she wanted him to start counseling and get evaluated for anxiety.
We had a great few sessions and then one session she got to see the” Michael” we have to deal with sometimes. He couldn’t sit still, was fidgety, impulsive, interruptive. He kept hitting himself in the head, moving around, rolling on the floor. She was unable to get an accurate assessment of anxiety (since you have to ask the child a bunch of questions). We are not sure if he didn’t take his medication or what happened. She decided we would do the assessment the following week.
Anxiety Diagnosis
The assessment was about 2 weeks ago. He answered most of the questions with some input from me. She said he suffers from separation anxiety and social/general anxiety. She is going to send that info to his doctor, and we have a follow up appt next week. In the counseling sessions, she is going to give him some coping mechanisms for ADHD and anxiety. He needs to learn how to deal with his feelings and anxiety without always lashing out and having meltdowns. Currently he sleeps with us at bedtime and has been for the past few years. He doesn’t like when my husband and I go out. He will cry and complain. One day about a year ago we went out for our anniversary, and he had a huge meltdown. He screamed and locked himself in my car. He carried on for quite a while. We eventually left him with my father. But it was not a fun evening for me. I was nervous about him and what he was going to go. He eventually calmed down.
In school he does not like to be called on or have any attention on him at all. At home he always cried on his birthday when we sing to him because he does not like people looking at him.
ADHD Medications
His medication regiment right now is Jornay PM 80mg and Intuniv 4mg daily. I am not sure if this is the appropriate medication and dosage. He has been on the Jornay for about 1.5 and the intuniv for a few years but we have been adjusting it. Unfortunately, he is still impulsive and having a hard time concentrating. He is behind in reading therefore I have him reading every day. It is a struggle. Either he wants to read a “baby book” or when he reads, he reads in voices. When I ask him what he reads he has no idea.
Some Remedies That Help
- Calming him down during a meltdown
- when he is upset/having a meltdown if you yell at him, it will escalate him…. we need to just either leave him alone or try and calm him down
- making sure he is getting sleep…. lack of sleep increases ADHD and anxiety symptoms
- anticipating him having a meltdown…. for instance taking him to a Disney world in the heat and lot of people
- pick your battles…if he wants to go in the pool in his underwear vs trying to hit his sister
- pop its – these help a lot with impulsivity
- pop balls
- spinner rings
- weighted blanket– goes by weight of child
- Fan– this helps him sleep a lot
- Previous blog- best fidget toys
- interesting article about children with ADHD and anxiety
- Knowing that ADHD and anxiety go hand in hand
Does your child or someone you know suffer from ADHD and/or anxiety?? What are their symptoms? Do they take medications? What helps them??
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