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A good morning routine

A good morning routine can set you up for a good day. I am going to tell you my morning routine.

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A good morning routine

A good morning routine

Good Morning routines are the key to having a great day. Nailing your ideal morning is going to difficult to do every single day. I have a different routine for my weekdays vs my weekends.

My morning routine

My weekday routine: I am in bed by 8:30pm. I either read a book or watch some tv. I am usually asleep between 9:30 and 10pm. My morning routine only works if I get adequate amount of sleep. I like at least 7 to 8 hours a night. If I don’t get enough sleep I am cranky and irritable. I try and make it a priority to go to bed at a decent hour so I get enough sleep.


My alarm goes off- Its loud and wakes me up…..I don’t use the snooze button. I go into the bathroom and take a shower. My clothes are already picked out for work (I do that before I go to bed). I get myself dresses, do my hair and makeup.


Wake up my daughter: My daughter sleeps in my bed (that’s a whole other story for a different blog……😊)I wake her up and shes into the bathroom. She gets dressed and I help her brush her hair and brush her teeth.


We go downstairs and into the kitchen. My husband does the kids breakfast and I do the kids lunch. My kids usually have cereal, eggs, waffles or pancakes. I pack both their lunches and put it in their backpack. I pack my lunch for work and then make myself breakfast.


I eat my breakfast and have a cup of coffee.


I say goodbye and give a kiss to my husband and both kids😘😘 and head off to work.

My weekend routine

I stay up later on the weekends because I can get up a little bit later. My husband is an early riser so on the weekends he deals with the kids in the mornings 😉

9:00am: On the weekends I normally will get up around 9. I will go downstairs and make my energize from Beachbody ( check out my blog in health and wellness). I then take my laptop and head upstairs.

9:25am: Get my workout clothes and sneakers on

9:30am: Start my workout on Beachbody ( this ranges from 30 to 45 mins usually)

10:15am: My workout is now complete. I go and take a shower…..I am usually pretty sweaty and gross at this point 💪💪

10:30am: Get dressed for the day. I do my hair, makeup and brush my teeth.

11:00am: I go downstairs and have my recover shake from Beachbody and have my breakfast and start my day !!!

What does your morning routine look like ? Do you do the same thing every day?

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