5 Must Haves for your bag
5 Must Haves for your bag
Nowadays a woman’s purse is filled with all the essentials they think they might need at any given time. Usually it’s a phone, chapstick and tissues. But what about the broken pens, half opened snacks or unwanted receipts galore.
Women have a lot responsibilities these days with work, kids, hobbies and families. Our purses wind up packed with a lot of unnecessary crap. There are some essential items that should be in any woman’s purse. These are the items that are ALWAYS in my purse:
I always have my wallet in my bag no matter where I go. Right now I have a MK wallet. You always need your license, credit cards and money at all times.
I am a chapstick-aholic and must use a chapstick about 30 times a day. I always keep one in my bag, my car, on my night stand and one in my kitchen drawer. The one I prefer is the EOS round chapstick.

Everytime I leave the house I bring my cellphone. It is always in my bag. I never leave home without it. I currently have the galaxy flip 4. Which I totally love.

I have bad allergies and my nose is alway running. Plus I have 2 kids with me most of the time. I always have a small pack of tissues.

Hair Tie
I always have numerous hair ties in my pocketbook. My hair is very thin and fine so when it gets windy I always reach for a hair tie.

5 Must Haves for your bag
What is in your bag? What can you not live without? My number one is definitely chapstick.
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