10 Ways to Build Trust in Your Relationship
10 Ways to Build Trust in Your Relationship
You cannot have a healthy relationship without trust. Without trust you have no relationship. To have trust in a relationship means that you feel a sense of security and loyalty with your partner. Trust is a vital component in happy and successful relationships.
Be open and willing to work on the relationship
Try and be as honest as you can in your relationship and ask your partner to do the same. Honesty is the basis for any healthy relationship. If there are issues that are brought to your attention, you need to listen to your partner and try and work on the issues.
Talk to one another
Communication is the key to any relationship. It is easy to tell people to communicate but its not as easy to explain how to communicate. Communication is about expressing yourself, listening to your partner and actually absorbing what is being said.
Find ways to connect
Connecting with your spouse emotionally, physically, and sexually is important because it helps both of you to grow together as a couple. If you and your spouse do what you do every day, leave each other alone, and never really spend time connecting, your relationship will not grow to its full potential. Not connecting with your spouse can lead to growing apart.
Ways to connect:
- hug and kiss
- snuggle
- go for a run/walk
- read a book together
- watch a movie together
- tell him/her you love them
- cook a meal together
- take a shower or bath together
- have sex
- schedule a date night
Create new positive experiences together
Sometimes you need to a spontaneous break from your routine. Think outside the box. Do something or go somewhere different. Some fun experiences that you could share are:
- escape room
- visit the zoo
- try a new restaurant
- try a brewery or wine tasting
- make a new recipe together
Be true to your word and follow through on your actions
To build trust you have to believe what the other person is saying. Building trust isn’t just keeping the promises that you have made but also not making promises that you are not prepared to keep.
Take time to make decisions and think before acting too quickly
Only say yes to things that you are happy to agree with. You have to be able to say “no” even if it disappoints someone.
Always be honest
Honestly is the key to a relationship. Without honesty you have nothing. If you are caught telling a lie then your trustworthiness is lost.

Don’t hide your feelings
An effective way to build trust is to not hide your feelings. If people think you care they are more inclined to trust you. If you are upset, let your spouse know.
Admit your mistakes
Mistakes come in all shapes and sizes. Some are as serious as infidelity, while others such as telling a white lie, seem small and insignificant. Relationships are built on trust and couples should feel honest enough and safe enough to admit their wrong doing.

Show empathy
Feeling heard makes your partner feel validated and heard. If your partner thinks you don’t have empathy they might feel all alone. Showing that your listening and empathizing with what they’re saying is a crucial part of a relationship.
10 Ways to Build Trust in Your Relationship
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