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10 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me

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10 things to know about me

I love learning about other people and what makes them tick. I thought it was fun to share some things about myself. We are all different people with different but maybe similar interests.

  1. I am deathly afraid of public speaking
  2. I love to cook and bake
  3. I am an excellent swimmer; I have been swimming since I was a year old
  4. I can count on one hand the amount of close friends I have
  5. I’m 41 but still feel like I’m still in my 20’s
  6. I believe in soul mates- I think you other half is out there
  7. I cry a few times a week; I have had a rough few years
  8. In high school I was known as “the girl with the ass”๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰
  9. I didn’t start college until I was in my 20’s because I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life
  10. My husband is 23 years older than me

Does anyone else want to try ? What are somethings I should know about you ??

10 things to know about me
hubby and I

We human beings have a keen interest in observing and learning about one anotherโ€”an interest that psychologists now trace back to our evolutionary roots. Understanding how and why people think like they do can help you navigate their social world a little better.

Family life

We have been married for 10 years and have 2 kids together. I am an RN and work in an elementary school.I used to work in a hospital on a telemetry floor and NICU.He is retired and works a part time job.

10 things to know about me

Check out some movies to binge watch

Do you enjoy swimming in the pool ? Here are some great ideas for the pool!!

Some delicious recipes

Mac and cheese

Peanut butter pie

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